Below is a full list for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 Budokai Tenkaichi fighting game coming to the U.S. Online, players have access to multiplayer modes including team tournaments, spectator-ranked matches, and straight up "Versus" battles. The complete Dragon Ball: Raging Blast cast will consist out of 43 characters (77 including transformations, so far) have been revealed, like Goku, Frieza, Cell, Videl, Broly and Future Trunks. What is the status of Dragon Ball Z Raging Blast 3 Is it possible that we will ever see Raging Blast 3 or at least a similar concept to this game in the fut. Players can customize the Super Attack moves of their favorite characters, using points earned by playing through the campaign. Single-player modes include the "Dragon Battle Collection" main story campaign, which runs from the Saiyan Saga up to the Kid Buu Saga, and "Super Battle Trial," which allows players to duke it out and test new tactics with their favorite fighters in quick pick-up matches. Characters display real-time damage, such as scrapes, bruises, and torn clothing from a tough fight. Battles are fought in large, interactive and destructible arenas, taken from key moments throughout the manga and anime. In the tradition of the previous console generation's Dragon Ball Z: Budokai series, the focus of play in Raging Blast is fast-paced, supernaturally powered martial arts combat, on solid ground and high in the skies above, as featured throughout the influential anime series. Alternate costumes are available for many of the characters as well. The roster swells above 70 playable characters when including the Super Saiyan variations and form transformations available for many key personalities such as Goku, Gohan, Frieza, Vegeta, Cell, and Broly.

Dragon Ball: Raging Blast is a 3D fighting game for high-def generation consoles, featuring more than 40 heroes, villains, and supporting characters from the Dragon Ball Z franchise.